Friday, July 2, 2010

Tequila makes her clothes fall off

The other half of this blog is clearly labeled 'drunken' therefore 'drunken posts' to add to the 'sysadmin' part, thus enabling 'the magic'.

I was going to start my technical post this morning, but alas... Last night I'm at the local grocery store. Due to a recent binge of Belgian beers, I'm faced with the tough decision: carlsberg or carlsberg 'elephant'. So I choose 'elephant'. Having no idea what I'm getting myself in to. This morning I wake up and realize the 'elephant' label most likely implies 'this beer is intended for elephants' or 'this beer will make you feel like a herd of elephants ran over you while you were sleeping. So, instead of making a nice technical post, I just kind of blindly stared at it this morning hoping it would post itself. That shit never happened.

So tonight my boy Jameson posted his beergaritas recipe, which I can attest to is money, even though it sounds like Slurpee barf. Inspired, I figured I'd post my $ margarita recipe.

- a container large enough to hold several cups of margarita mix
- one cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
(don't be a Wang and skimp on the freshly squeezed shit.)
- one cup freshly squeezed lime juice
(see Wang disclaimer above)
- some non-shitty tequila
- some grand marnier
- one 'unit' simple syrup (recipe follows after fucked up story of how NOT to macguyver simple syrup).

-- skip this if you suck.
-- one night Jameson is drunk and decides, since he doesn't have sugar in the house, that it's a good idea to substitute splenda for sugar in the simple syrup. The result: Radioactive liquid shitty cotton candy. DONT DO THIS.

- simple syrup
- add one cup 'real' sugar to one cup boiling water.
- let the mixture boil for like 7 minutes till it thickens slightly.
- combine lime juice, lemon juice, and real simple syrup.

- fill a shaker with ice, half tequila, half margarita mix above. Shake, pour, and splash GM in each drink.

I've found the result to be pretty money. As Jameson mentioned.. Have a happy and safe 4th.

PS Posting from an iPhone sucks.

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